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5 Quick Tips for Self-Care

Writer's picture: Acelli Crippen-KokAcelli Crippen-Kok

Updated: Mar 1, 2022

5 tips for Self-Care as a person makes a heart out of their hands looking at the sunset
Loving Yourself is an Important Step for Self-Care

Maybe you feel alone in this journey. Have you given so much of yourself to other people that you can't find the real you? Do you feel like you're swimming in a sea of solitude? If that's you right now, it's time for a heart-to-heart. We're gonna call this a moment to re-ground. Why? Well, because YOU MATTER TOO.

Oftentimes, it's too easy to forget about ourselves and think about others. In some ways, this is what we're taught to do. I think back to a common phrase little kids say, "sharing is caring." Yes, it is good to share and show concern for others. However, when it's at the expense of our own mental health or life situation, it can be damaging in many ways.

The consequences for giving up time for ourselves, ignoring our own emotional needs, or suppressing our body's cries for rest can be steep. Sometimes, these signs impact us physically and/or emotionally and can lend to depression, added anxiety, or strains in our relationships.

Challenge Sharing is Caring

What if, for today, we were to challenge "sharing is caring" just a little bit. If you've ever been on an airplane, you've heard the flight attendant give a spiel about emergency landings. During this time, they almost always stress the importance of putting on your

own oxygen mask before helping those close to you. While it makes perfect sense when we're on a plane, it can be hard to transfer that concept to real life.

The truth is that we are not at our best when we are not caring for ourselves too. This is the whole-person approach that involves our mind and our body working together to create space for ultimate wellness. Self-care doesn't have to take a lot of time or months to plan.

So, if you're all in and need some ideas for ways to take care of you, try one of these:

  • Take a mid-day nap

  • Spend some time outside walking barefoot in nature. Inhale all the sights, sounds, scents. Exhale uncertainties, stress, and frustrations.

  • Make a cup of hot tea/coffee and enjoy it while it's still hot. (If you're a busy person, you know exactly how amazing this sounds).

  • Plan a picnic for yourself. Take a book, blanket, music, or your favorite crafts with you.

  • Take a half-day off (or a full day) to refuel.

Guess what! It's perfectly okay to take a moment to care about you. Think about're with yourself 365 days a year and 24 hours a day. Carving out a little time to take care of ourselves is absolutely necessary. People around you will actually benefit from it too. This just might be the upgraded version of "sharing is caring."

On solid ground,



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